Monday, June 21, 2010

CVS June 20, 2010 trip- Profit $3.79

5.98 2 Colgate Advance ($2.99 each)
1.98 2 Power Bars ($0.99 each)
9.97 Gillette Pro Glide
3.99  CVS Brand Ibuprofen
$21.92 product cost

Less Savings:
4.00 $4/$20 CRT (got from scanner today, good for 3 days only)
1.75 2 Colgate MFQ ($1 MFQ and .75 MFQ)
4.00 Gilette Pro Glide MFQ
12.00 ECB (paid with ECB's earned in prior weeks)
$21.75 total savings

$0.21 OOP (.17 + .04 sales tax) and earned $13.98 ECB ($5 for Gilette, $4 for 2 Colgate, 1.98 for 2 Power Bar, $3 for CVS Ibuprofen). Profit $1.77

Rite Aid-
Colgate Pro Clinical- 2.99
Motrin PM- 3.00

Less Savings:
$1 Colgate Pro Clinical MFQ
$1 Motrin PM MFQ

Receive $3 Motrin UP reward and $2 Colgate UP reward.  Each time you do this transaction you will have a profit of $1.01 (I did this transaction twice).

NOTE:  I also purchased 1 bottle of Rite Aid brand Zyrtec to finish the Allergy rebate.  This was the last week for the rebate (spend $50 get $25 gift card) and I needed one more bottle to qualify.  I was having a hard time finding either the generic or Zyrtec due to the recall and Brady was on his last bottle.  Luckily I found a bottle today, so I will get the rebate.  Cost for that bottle was $7.99 with my Wellness discount.  I am not counting that in my total cost/profit for the day since I purchased the other qualifying products weeks ago.

1 comment:

  1. The limit on the CVS Power Bars is 3

